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Please make a donation to BigStar Music and Arts, Inc.  请选择金额捐款
To donate by check, please make the check payable to BigStar Music and Arts, Inc. and mail the check to the address below:

BigStar Music and Arts, Inc.

P.O. Box 664

Azusa, CA 91702


Please include your name, address and email. We will send you a receipt.
Thank You for the support!
如用支票捐款, 请写支票付给BigStar Music and Arts, Inc. 并邮至以下地址:
BigStar Music and Arts, Inc.
P. O. Box 664
Azusa, CA 91702
请写明您的姓名, 地址和电邮地址, 我们将寄给您收据

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© 2016 by BigStar Music and Arts, Inc.

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